Prices dropped on Fuzz Warp and Primrose Thunder. No code required.

Busy Busy

It's been a couple of weeks since the last blog post. I have been very busy - much to tell.

I made an awesome custom NoisWasp with a jack for an expression pedal and CV output. It was a modification to an existing build. There are photo's and more details on my custom page.

Finally joined Facebook and started a business page for Gehirn Enterprises.
You might find some sales, discount codes and other various "stuff and things" there.
Check it out here and give me a like if you feel inclined.

I have two new products available. Will do some demo's of them soon.
Links are below.

I have some big orders of PCB's and parts on the way so keep an eye out for some new products, some new variants and re-stocking of out of stock products.


PCB's in Rack