Paradigm Shift
So, strap in. Going to be a doozy.
Earlier this year, about 3 months ago, I got very sick. Ambulance, emergency, hospital, life or death kinda deal. Still recovering and have a way to go until I'm back to full strength again.
This is why everything is out of stock, I haven't been promoting my pedals, or making product videos etc.
I was working a traditional job, plus building pedals/synths, and designing industrial electronics and overdoing things in a big way.
I'll be making some changes to my life, and this means changes at Gehirn Enterprises too.
1. I won't be doing any more custom orders. Sorry.
2. Lots of things are getting discontinued. I'll build out my existing pcb stock then that's it. No more.
3. I'll be focusing on my best sellers and building them in larger batches. This will mean that it will be a lot easier to keep a smaller range of products in stock, without getting overworked.
4. I might do some new products in limited releases. Five or ten pieces of interesting things. Let's see what happens.
My focus for the next few months is my recovery and I'll slowly start building stuff again.
Thanks for the support, and I'll get back to making insane noise pedals and cool synth stuff soon.
Cheers, Brendan.